Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New study shows young healthy adults already showing signs of Atherosclerosis. From Science Daily

ScienceDaily (Oct. 25, 2011) — Atherosclerosis -- or buildup of fat in the walls of arteries − is thought of as a disorder of older people but it affects a large number of young men and women, according to a new Heart and Stroke Foundation study.

"The proportion of young, apparently healthy adults who are presumably 'the picture of health' who already have atherosclerosis is staggering," says Dr. Eric Larose, an interventional cardiologist at the Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec and an assistant professor at Université Laval.
Atherosclerosis can eventually lead to serious problems including heart disease, stroke, or even death.
The study enrolled 168 young adults (age 18 to 35) -- half male and half female -- who had no known cardiovascular disease or risk factors such as family history of premature heart disease, diabetes, smoking, high blood cholesterol, or high blood pressure.

For the full article please go here.